Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

PhotoRed – 2nd Polish Norwegian Scientific Symposium, October 19-20, 2022

On the first day of the symposium, the tasks performed at our University were discussed.
October 19th  2022, in the "Old Chemistry" building, WTiICH ZUT, in room no. 2. dedicated to prof. Kazimierz Kałucki.
As a part of the meeting, we also visited undergrounds of Szczecin where tourist routes are located in the largest civil shelter in Poland.

We spent the second day in the beautiful surroundings of the Turnau Vineyard in Baniewice, where we discussed the workpackages which are carried out in Norway, including photoelectrochemical processes with the use of materials prepared at our department or their impact on the natural environment.
21 October 2022, Conference presentations at the Baniewice Turnau Vineyard - Norwegian Session. Teams from USN, SINTEF INDUSTRY and SINTEF OCEAN.

Visiting of the vineyard.